
Siamsa Tire logo icon

Join the ever-growing community of artists who produce our in-house shows, teach, mentor, programme, commission, and co-produce events and exhibitions.

Siamsa Tíre Productions

Siamsa Tíre will reach out to the artistic community to develop in-house productions.

Artist Residencies

We provide bursaries and work space for visual and performing artists to work with us under our arts residencies' schemes.

Associate Artists Scheme

Our Associate Artist Scheme provides financial and organisational support to commission artists to create artworks exploring Irish folk culture from a multitude of perspectives.

Gallery Exhibitions

Siamsa Tíre welcomes proposals from artists for solo exhibitions or group shows.

Playwright Support

Since 2008, Siamsa Tíre has partnered with the Listowel Writers Festival to produce a rehearsed reading of the play that is awarded Best New Play by the festival's judges.

Mentorship & Advice

Our team often provides mentorship and advice to artists developing projects as well as, where possible, rehearsal space, technical and marketing support and advice.


Associate Artists 2021

Creative practices are deeply personal and unique experiences. Here we introduce you to Associate Artists, broadcaster Ruth Smith and choreographer Catherine Young. We also chat to Chantal McCormick, the director of Handful of Dreams.