
Siamsa Tire logo icon

Join the ever-growing community of artists who produce our in-house shows, teach, mentor, programme, commission, and co-produce events and exhibitions.

Sector Networks

Siamsa Tíre benefits from membership of charity and theatre sector networks including NASC, Strollers, Theatre Forum, Youth Theatre Ireland, Create, and The Wheel.


NASC is a venue network comprising of eight venues; Siamsa Tíre (Tralee), glór (Ennis), The Lime Tree Theatre (Limerick), The Town Hall Theatre (Galway), An Ghrianán (Letterkenny), Backstage Theatre (Longford), Dunamaise Arts Centre (Portlaoise), The Pavilion Theatre (Dún Laoghaire). Recent NASC collaborations include the LASTA festival 2021, an online festival of events programmed by young people for young people.

The Strollers Network

The Strollers Network is Ireland’s largest consortium of Art Centres. It is a partnership of ten venues from across four regions of the country including; Belltable (Limerick), Draíocht (Dublin), Watergate (Kilkenny), Solstice (Navan), Visual (Carlow), Linenhall (Mayo), Hawkswell Theatre (Sligo), Riverbank (Kildare), Source (Tipperary) and Siamsa Tire (Kerry). Collectively the network represents one fifth of all publicly funded Arts Centres nationally.

Recent Strollers collaborations include PROPEL, a three-year artist development programme which has been awarded to dancer and choreographer Róisín Whelan.

Local Networks

We are proud members of Fáilte Ireland’s Cliff Coast Destination Development Group, Tralee Chamber Alliance, Kerry Tourism, Kerry Convention Bureau, Kerry Volunteer Centre and North Kerry Development.