Young People

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Siamsa Tíre’s Work with Young People

National Folk Theatre Training Academy

Our Academy trains young people in the arts; with a three-year training programme in traditional Irish music, dance, songs, and stories for children seven and up.

Work Placements

Work placements help to develop our relationships with our communities, young people and educational institutions, bringing fresh energies and new perspectives to our activities.

Futures Council

Our Futures Council brings young people together to engage with our creative team and contribute to the planning of Siamsa Tire events and activities.

Young Curators

Our Young Curators Programme builds on our NASC Network 2021 Lasta Festival which supported young people across the country to curate events for young audiences.

Student Discounts

We offer student discounts on tickets for all events which are suitable for young people - discounts are available on our booking site